Price List

Dimensions Price/piece Diameter Price/piece
100cm x 50cm
5,000 - 25,000 Czk40 cm 5,000 - 10,000czk
100cm x 100cm
15000 - 30,000 Czk 50 cm 8,000 - 20,000 czk
150cm x 50cm 20,000 - 40,000 CzkK 60 cm 15,000 czk- 25,000 czk
150cm x 100cm 40,000 Czk - 80,000 Czk70 cm20,000 - 25,000 czk  
250cm x 100cm50,0000 - 120,000 Czk - discount applicable on sets
All paintings are acryl o canvas. Prices differs and discount applicable if acquired entire set. Shipping/transportation is included into the prices. 

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